Alchemy source modulations in MainStage
Source components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view.
Most Alchemy source parameters, such as Pan, Tune, and Position, can be modulated by modulation sources such as AHDSRs or LFOs. Parameters that have a modulation assignment are indicated by an orange arc around the control. See Alchemy modulation overview in MainStage.
Note: Parameters that are morphed and have a modulation assignment show both an orange and green arc around the control.
This section focuses on Position, which is a modulation target. The principles discussed apply equally to other source parameter targets.
Position determines the playback position of audio data. When modulated, the playback path through the audio data is controlled by the selected modulation source. In sampler mode, the note-on modulation value determines the initial offset for the play position within the audio data. Beginning at that position, the rest of the sound plays in a normal manner, although looped as if the Loop mode is set to All. In additive, spectral, or granular mode, Position can be continuously modulated forward or backward at any rate (including zero).
Create tempo-synced loops by modulating position
Synchronized playback of looped audio with the MainStage tempo is easy to achieve by modulating the Position parameter. This technique is possible with any synthesis method that permits continuous modulation of Position. This example uses the granular engine, but the same technique can be applied to the additive and spectral engines.
You can set Position and Speed to 0% and can modulate Position with a unipolar LFO, MSEG, or a performance control linked to the modulation wheel. When Position is modulated and Speed has a value greater than zero, the playback path is determined by a combination of modulation value (whenever this value changes) and the normal path (at a rate determined by Speed whenever the modulation value is static).
In Alchemy in MainStage, click the File button in the Name bar and choose Initialize Preset from the pop-up menu to reset all Alchemy parameters to default settings.
Important: Use of Initialize Preset automatically turns on wide unison mode. See Alchemy wide unison mode.
In source A, import a rhythmic or melodic sample that loops evenly.
Turn the source A Speed knob down to its minimum value of 0%, and play a few notes.
You will hear that playback is frozen at the very beginning of the sample.
Do one of the following:
Click the Position knob to select it as a modulation target, then click the first modulation rack slot, and choose LFO > LFO 1 from the pop-up menu.
Control-click the Position knob, then choose Add Modulation > LFO > LFO 1 from the shortcut menu.
Note the orange arc that appears around the Position knob. This indicates that the parameter has a modulation assignment.
Click the LFO button in the modulation section if the LFO controls are not visible, then choose Basic > Ramp Up from the LFO Shape selection pop-up menu. Also in the LFO, turn off the Bipolar button.
This routing increases Position smoothly so that the entire sample plays back from beginning to end, then jumps immediately back to the beginning and continues to loop.
Adjust the LFO Rate if loop playback is too fast.
Finally, adjust the MainStage tempo as you play additional notes to confirm that the loop is properly synchronized.
Note: It is unnecessary to freeze playback by setting Speed to 0% (as performed in step 3) before modulating Position with the Ramp Up LFO shape. This is because this LFO shape is constantly changing, without any static/flat portions and thus is always controlling play position, making the Speed value irrelevant. If you use a different LFO shape with static/flat portions, however, setting Speed to a non-zero value would cause play position to be controlled by a combination of the LFO shape and the normal playback behavior of the sample.