Ultrabeat trigger mode in MainStage
The way Ultrabeat reacts to a succession of incoming notes is set independently for each sound. Parameters that control this aspect of Ultrabeat behavior are found in the trigger mode section.

Trigger mode parameters
Trigger pop-up menu: Choose either Single or Multi trigger mode.
Group pop-up menu: Choose between Off and 1 through 8. If two different sounds are assigned to the same group, they cut each other off when a new note message is received. Only one sound in the group can be played at a time.
A typical use of this feature is when programming hi-hat sounds when playing a real hi-hat, the closed hi-hat note cuts off or mutes the ringing of the open hi-hat. This feature is often referred to as “hi-hat mode.”
Note: While in Single Trigger mode, only the currently sounding note of the same sound is cut off. A sound that is assigned to a group cuts off all other sounds in the group, regardless of the note played.
Gate button: Turn the Gate function on or off. When active, the sound immediately cuts off when the MIDI note is released, regardless of envelope settings.
Note: The Gate function ensures that a specific sound does not play—it can’t be heard—after a note-off event sent from MainStage or the Ultrabeat internal sequencer. Note length can be an important creative element when programming rhythm tracks.