Overview of the MainStage Concert Settings Inspector
You edit concert parameters in the Concert Settings Inspector, which appears below the workspace when the concert is selected in the Patch List. With these parameters you can:
Set channel strips pan law

The six tabs of the Concert Settings Inspector provide the following functions:
MIDI: You can set MIDI destinations for the concert, as well as determine which devices program changes are received.
Timing: You can set timing preferences, the tempo, and the time signature for the concert. For information on working with tempo, see Overview of tempo in MainStage.
Tuning: Change the tuning for the concert.
Channel Strips: You can set the pan law, level meter scale, and other channel strip parameters for the concert.
Metronome: You can adjust the metronome for the concert. For more information about the metronome, see Control the metronome in MainStage.
Notes: add text notes to the concert.
Open the Concert Settings Inspector
In MainStage, choose File > Concert Settings, or:
Enter Edit mode, either by clicking the Edit button on the toolbar, choosing Edit from the View menu, or via a key command.
Choose Show Inspectors from the View menu. If the Inspector is already displayed, you can skip this step.
Select the concert (the leftmost folder) in the Patch List.