EVOC 20 PS analysis controls in MainStage
The parameters in the Sidechain Analysis section control how EVOC 20 PS analyzes and uses the input signal. Be precise with these parameters to attain the best possible speech intelligibility and the most accurate tracking.

Sidechain analysis parameters
Attack knob: Determine how quickly each envelope follower—coupled to each analysis filter band—reacts to rising signal levels. Longer attack times result in a slower tracking response to transients—level spikes—of the analysis input signal. A long attack time on percussive input signals—a spoken word or hi-hat part, for example—will translate into a less articulated vocoder effect. Set the Attack parameter to the lowest possible value to enhance articulation.
Release knob: Determine how quickly each envelope follower—coupled to each analysis filter band—reacts to falling signal levels. Longer release times cause the analysis input signal transients to sustain for a longer period at the vocoder output. A long release time on percussive input signals—a spoken word or hi-hat part, for example—will translate into a less articulated vocoder effect. Use of extremely short release times results in rough, grainy vocoder sounds. Release values of around 8 to 10 milliseconds are useful starting points.
Freeze button: Turn on to hold, or freeze, the current analysis sound spectrum indefinitely. When Freeze is enabled, the analysis filter bank ignores the input source, and the Attack and Release knobs have no effect.
Bands field: Drag to set the number of frequency bands (up to 20) used by the filter banks.