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The FINV function returns the inverse of the F probability distribution. All arguments are number values.
FINV(prob, d-f-numerator, d-f-denominator)
prob: A probability associated with the distribution. prob must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
d-f-numerator: The degrees of freedom to include as the numerator. d-f-numerator must be greater than or equal to 1. Any decimal portion is ignored.
d-f-denominator: The degrees of freedom to include as the denominator. d-f-denominator must be greater than or equal to 1. Any decimal portion is ignored.
Examples |
=FINV(0.77, 1, 2) returns 0.111709428782599. =FINV(0.77, 1, 1) returns 0.142784612191674. =FINV(0.77, 2, 1) returns 0.34331253162422. |
See alsoFDIST