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The XIRR function returns the internal rate of return for an investment that is based on a series of irregularly spaced cash flows.
XIRR(payments, dates, guess)
payments: A range of cells that contain the payments for the investment.
dates: A range of cells that contain dates that correspond to the cash flows in payments.
guess: An optional value that indicates an estimate for the internal rate of return.
Example |
Given the following table: |
Cash flow | Date | |
A | B | |
1 | -7,000 | 01/01/2019 |
2 | 3,000 | 02/03/2019 |
3 | 2,500 | 17/05/2019 |
4 | 1,000 | 26/08/2019 |
5 | 2,000 | 27/10/2019 |
=XIRR(A1:A5,B1:B5) returns the approximate internal rate of return of 58.496548%. |