The TEXTJOIN function combines the contents of cell ranges or strings with a specified delimiter between each value.
TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore-empty, string, string…)
delimiter: A string to add between combined values. delimiter can also be empty, or a reference to a string in another cell.
ignore-empty: A boolean TRUE or FALSE.
TRUE (1): If TRUE, empty cells aren’t included in the result.
FALSE (0): If FALSE, empty cells are included in the result.
string: Any value. Can also be a cell or a range of cells.
string…: Optionally include one or more additional values or cell references.
Including header cells can cause TEXTJOIN to return an error.
As an alternative to the TEXTJOIN function, you can use &, the concatenation operator.
To combine the contents of cells without a delimiter, you can also use CONCAT.
Examples |
Given A2=1, A3=2, A4=3, B2=A, B3=B, B4=C and C2:C4 are empty: =TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,A,B) returns "1 2 3 A B C". =TEXTJOIN(A2,TRUE,B) returns "A1B1C". =TEXTJOIN(",",FALSE,A2:A4,C2:C4,B2:B4) returns "1,2,3,,,,A,B,C". |