Use Tuner utility and plug-in in Logic Pro for iPad
You can tune instruments connected to your system with the Tuner utility or plug-in. This ensures that external instrument recordings are in tune with any software instruments, samples, or existing recordings in your projects.
If you’re new to using plug-ins, see Intro to plug-ins. Also see Add, replace, reorder, and remove plug-ins in the Plug-ins area and Work with plug-ins in the Mixer.

Tuner parameters
On/Off button: Enable or disable the tuner.
Graphic Tuning display: Indicates the pitch of the note. At the centered position, the note is correctly tuned. If the indicator moves to the left of center, the note is flat. If the indicator moves to the right of center, the note is sharp. Color is also used to indicate tuning accuracy, with green denoting a tuned signal, orange indicating a slightly detuned signal, and red indicating an out of tune signal.
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