Set a Vintage B3 MIDI control mode in MainStage
Choose a supported external MIDI controller to use with Vintage B3.
The Hardware Controller parameter determines the way Vintage B3 draw bars respond to remote MIDI control change messages. Most users won’t need to change anything here.
If you own a MIDI draw bar organ, you’ll want to use its hardware draw bars to control Vintage B3. Most hardware draw bar organs use an independent MIDI control change number for each draw bar.
Choose a MIDI hardware controller
In MainStage Vintage B3, click Expert in the control bar.
Choose a device (mode) from the Hardware Controller pop-up menu. Choose Off if you do not own a supported device and don’t want to use a special assignment mode.
Choose Roland VK or Korg CX mode if you use a Roland VK series or Korg CX-3 draw bar organ as a remote controller for Vintage B3.
Choose Hammond Suzuki mode if you use a Hammond XB series organ as a remote controller for Vintage B3.
Choose Native Instruments B4D mode if you use a Native Instruments B4D remote controller for Vintage B3.
Choose Nord Electro mode if you use a Clavia Nord Electro 2 as a remote controller for Vintage B3.