Modulator LFO in MainStage

Modulator LFO parameters
LFO on/off button: Turn the LFO on or off.
Waveform Shape buttons: Select a waveform shape. Choose from: triangle, sine, square, and random. Each is suited for different types of modulations.
Waveform display: Shows the LFO waveform shape.
Symmetry slider: Adjust the symmetry of the waveform. This deforms the waveform in the following ways:
Triangle: Shapes the triangle waveform into either an upward-sawtooth or downward-sawtooth waveform. A symmetry value of 0 results in a perfect triangle waveform.
Sine: Changes the angle of the waveform, resulting in a sawtooth-like waveform with peaks that lean left or right. A symmetry value of 0 results in a perfect sine waveform.
Square: Symmetry acts as a pulse width control. A symmetry value of 0 results in a perfect square waveform.
Similarity slider: Adjust the amount of deviation when a random waveform is chosen. This alters the waveform in the following way:
Random: Similarity determines the maximum deviation between two consecutive random values. Low symmetry settings result in random values that are minimally different from one to the next, whereas high symmetry settings result in random values that deviate significantly.
Trigger switch: Determine how the LFO reacts to incoming MIDI note on messages.
Free: The LFO ignores MIDI note on messages.
Single: After all notes have been released, the LFO is reset by the first MIDI note on message it receives.
Note: This means that legato playing does not reset the LFO, so keep this in mind during performances.
Multi: The LFO is reset by each received MIDI note on message.
Steps per LFO Cycle (Smoothing) slider and field: Determine the number of steps per LFO cycle.
By default, the LFO produces a smoothed continuous stream of controller events, but you can use this parameter to create a stepped controller signal that is similar to the output of a Sample and Hold circuit. When you set a manual step rate, the LFO rate can be changed without altering the number of steps.
Note: If the square or random waveform is selected, the Steps per LFO Cycle slider is renamed to Smoothing. The slider smooths the normally steep slopes of the square and random waveforms.
Rate knob: Set the cycle speed of the LFO in hertz or in beat values when the Sync button is on. The LFO rate can be modulated by the envelope. See Modulator envelope.
Sync button: Synchronize the LFO rate to the project tempo.
To pop-up menu: Choose a continuous controller number, aftertouch, or pitch bend as the LFO output target. You can also learn a plug-in parameter.
Output Level slider: Scale the LFO output level.
Offset slider: Set a positive or negative offset in order to tailor the output for the intended target.
Oscilloscope: Displays the shape of the LFO control signal before it is scaled.
MIDI Channel pop-up menu (extended parameter): Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left. Choose a MIDI output channel.
Assign a MIDI event to a plug-in parameter
You can assign and send MIDI events to plug-ins in the same channel strip, allowing you to control parameters without using MIDI CC messages.
In MainStage, choose Learn Plug-in Parameter from the To pop-up menu.
Click the parameter in the target plug-in.
The name of the plug-in and parameter are shown in the To field.