Use impulse responses in MainStage
Space Designer can use either recorded impulse response files or synthesized impulse responses. The Sampled IR and Synthesized IR buttons choose the impulse response mode.
Important: To convolve audio in real time, Space Designer must first calculate any parameter adjustments to the impulse response. This requires a moment or two following parameter edits and is indicated by waveform changes in the main display.

Impulse response parameters
Sampled IR button: Turn on Sampled IR mode. In this mode, an impulse response sample is used to generate reverberation.
Synthesized IR button: Turn on Synthesized IR mode. A new synthesized impulse response is generated, derived from the values of the Length, Envelope, Filter, EQ, and Spread parameters.
IR Sample pop-up menu: Shows the name of the loaded impulse response. Click to choose an IR sample command. Also see Space Designer global parameters.
Load IR: Loads an impulse response sample without changing the envelopes.
Load IR & Init: Loads an impulse response sample and initializes all envelopes.
Show in Finder: Opens a Finder window that shows the location of the current impulse response.
Open IR Utility: Opens the Impulse Response Utility window. This application lets you create your own impulse response files.
IR Format display: Shows the channel format of the loaded sample-based impulse response.
Several related parameters are shown below the main display.
Quality pop-up menu: Choose the sample rate. Lo-Fi produces a grainy reverb. Low halves the host application sample rate. Medium matches the host application sample rate. High is smooth and clean sounding.
Reverse button: Reverse the impulse response and envelopes. When the impulse response is reversed, you are effectively using the tail rather than the front end of the sample. You may need to adjust the Predelay and other parameter values when reversing. See Space Designer global parameters.
Length knob and field: Adjust the length of the impulse response. This control works in conjunction with the Size knob.
Size knob and field: Adjust the sample rate of the loaded impulse response file, thereby changing the perceived size of the reverb by widening or narrowing the room. Size can also be used to preserve the original length of the impulse response when changing the sample rate with the Quality pop-up menu.
The Size knob value has an impact on the decay because it is multiplied with the Length knob value. To explain, when you rotate the Length knob to its maximum value and use a Size knob value of 100%, this results in a decay that is the full length of the loaded impulse response.