Adaptive Limiter controls in Final Cut Pro for Mac
Adaptive Limiter is a versatile tool for controlling the perceived loudness of sounds. It works by rounding and smoothing peaks in the signal, producing an effect similar to an analog amplifier being driven hard. Like an amplifier, it can slightly color the sound of the signal. You can use Adaptive Limiter to achieve maximum gain without introducing unwanted distortion and clipping, which can occur when the signal exceeds 0 dBFS.
Adaptive Limiter is typically used on the final mix, where it can be placed after a compressor, such as Multipressor, and before a final gain control, resulting in a mix of maximum loudness. Adaptive Limiter can produce a louder-sounding mix than can be achieved by normalizing the signal.
Note: Using Adaptive Limiter adds latency when the Lookahead parameter is active. The effect is typically used for mixing and mastering previously recorded tracks, not while recording. Bypass Adaptive Limiter while recording.
To add the Adaptive Limiter effect to a clip and show the effect’s controls, see Add Logic effects to clips in Final Cut Pro for Mac.

Input meters: Show input levels in real time. The Margin field shows the peak input level. You can reset the Margin field by clicking it.
Reduction meter: Shows the amount of gain reduction. The Margin field shows the peak reduction level. You can reset the Margin field by clicking it.
Output meters: Show output levels of the limited signal. The Margin field shows the peak output level. You can reset the Margin field by clicking it.
Gain knob and field: Set the amount of gain after input scaling.
Out Ceiling knob and field: Set the maximum output level, or ceiling. The signal does not rise above this.
Lookahead knob and field: Set the playback buffer size (how far in the future the file is analyzed for peaks). Also see the description of the Optimal Lookahead control, below. Values lower than the optimal buffer size are indicated in red.
Remove DC Offset button: Turn on to activate a highpass filter that removes direct current (DC) from the signal. DC can be introduced by lower-quality audio hardware.
True Peak Detection button: Turn on to detect inter-sample peaks in the signal.
Optimal Lookahead field and button: Use the Apply button to set the optimal playback buffer size. This changes the value shown for the Lookahead parameter.
Note: The Optimal Lookahead value is automatically determined and cannot be changed directly.
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