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You can use the crossfade (Xfade) parameters to crossfade between layered groups—by velocity or by key range.
When you assign a zone to a group, you can set the lowest and highest MIDI note velocity that triggers the group—and consequently all zones within that group. You can layer grouped zones on the same keyboard note and trigger them individually by playing at different velocities. When you have distinctly different audio samples in adjacent groups, crossfading is very helpful in creating realistic-sounding sampler instruments.
For example in the image above, see the two layered samples, zone 121 and zone 122, on MIDI notes C1 to E1:
In the Sustain pedal #1 group:
Zone 121 is a piano sample with minimal sustain pedal noise, set to a MIDI note velocity range of 0 to 51.
Zone 122 is a piano sample with stronger sustain pedal noise, set to a MIDI note velocity range of 52 to 80.
The crossfade value for these two zones is set to zero. There is no crossfade.
In this example, the maximum velocity range value of zone 121 and the minimum velocity range value of zone 122 are adjacent. If you play note D1 at velocities above or below a value of 51, you can clearly hear each sample being triggered.
To make this transition less abrupt, you can expand the velocity range of these zones by applying a crossfade value to the Sustain pedal #1 group. Each layered zone within this group will be crossfaded by the Xfade amount you set. The crossfade takes place in the extended velocity range area.
In Group view, do the following for the Sustain pedal #1 group:
Click the Mapping button in the Navigation bar, then click the Group view button.
Click the Sustain pedal #1 group in the Name column.
Scroll to the Velocity Range column, and set values for these parameter subcolumns.
Low field: Set the lowest velocity that triggers the group. For zone 121 this would be a value of zero.
High field: Set the highest velocity that triggers the group. For zone 122 this would be a value of 80.
XFade field: Set the crossfade range for zones grouped by the specified velocity range. Only zones within the specified velocity range are crossfaded.
XFade Type pop-up menu: Choose the crossfade type that best suits the group audio material. The Linear dB and Linear Gain options scale the amplitude for the group crossfade. Equal Power applies an exponential crossfade curve that causes a volume boost of 3 dB in the middle of the crossfade range. This fades out/fades in at an equal volume level.
Note: The settings made here override zone settings. When a zone velocity range is larger than the group setting, the zone velocity range is limited by the group velocity range setting.
In MainStage Sampler, you can use a continuous modulation source, such as the modulation wheel, assigned to the Sample Select target to switch between layered samples—in groups with different velocity or key ranges. Adjust the crossfade amount to achieve smooth transitions between groups.
In an instrument that contains different samples mapped to several groups with different velocity (or key range) layers:
In the Mod Matrix pane, choose Sample Select from the Target pop-up menu in a modulation routing.
In the Mod Matrix pane, choose a modulation source from the Source pop-up menu, such as MIDI controller 1, the modulation wheel.
In the Mapping pane, click the Group view button at the top right, then set the Key Range or Velocity Range crossfade (Xfade) parameter to a value that provides the smoothest transitions between layers. Alternatively, you can choose a value that abruptly switches between sample layers.
If the Xfade parameters are not shown, Control-click the column header to open a shortcut menu, where you can choose to view the Key Range and Velocity Range parameters. If you don’t see the Xfade parameters, scroll horizontally until they are visible.
Adjust the crossfade (Xfade) parameter in multiple groups, as you wish.
Play your keyboard and adjust the modulation wheel to crossfade between groups containing your layered zones.