Use Sampler envelopes in MainStage
You can use up to five of Sampler’s identical envelope generators per voice. These envelopes are shown in the Modulators pane and are available as targets and sources in the Mod Matrix pane. For details on the roots of the term envelope generator and its basic function, see Amplifier envelope overview.
ENV 1 is hard-wired to Amplitude and defines changes in level over time—for each note that you play. You can also use ENV 1 as a source for other modulation targets in the Mod Matrix pane.
Envelope time parameters—attack, decay, release, and so on—are also available as modulation targets in the Mod Matrix pane. See Sampler modulation Targets.

Envelope parameters
Double-click a parameter value field to enter a new value. Press Return to complete the operation.
Minus button (—): Highlight the modulator you want to remove, then click the button to delete the modulator from the Modulators pane.
Note: ENV 1 can not be removed from the Modulators pane.
+ ENV button: Add an envelope to the Modulators pane. Up to five envelopes can be used. ENV 1 is hard wired to amplitude and is always visible.
Envelope display: Use to control your instruments over time. Drag points (handles) or lines in the display, or drag vertically in fields, to adjust envelope parameter values.
Envelope Type pop-up menu: Choose the envelope shape that you want to use. This changes the appearance and available parameters shown in the envelope display. The envelope types shown are abbreviations for the controls in the envelope shape: AR is an envelope that provides Attack and Release controls. AHDSR provides Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, and Release parameters.
Delay field: Drag vertically to set the time before the envelope attack phase begins. This setting is useful for sounds such as tambourines which have a noise element that precedes the shake or hit.
Attack handle and field: Drag the handle horizontally to set the time it takes for the envelope to reach the initial level. Drag the field vertically.
Curve and field: Drag to set the shape of the envelope attack curve. Move the pointer over the attack portion (the line) of the graphical envelope display, then drag to adjust the curve.
Hold handle and field: Drag the handle horizontally to set the time that the full level is held, following the attack phase, before the decay phase begins. Drag the field vertically.
Decay field: Drag vertically to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall to the sustain level, following the hold phase or the initial attack time.
Drag the Decay/Sustain handle horizontally to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall to the sustain level, following the attack/hold phase. Drag vertically to set the sustain level, which is held until you release the key.
If the Sustain level parameter is set to its maximum value, the Decay parameter has no effect.
If the Sustain level is set to its minimum value, the Decay parameter defines the duration or fade-out time of the note.
Note: If you release the key before the decay phase has finished, the envelope moves immediately to the release phase.
Sustain field: Drag vertically to set the sustain level, which is held until you release the key.
Release handle and field: Drag the handle horizontally to set the time it takes for the envelope to fall from the sustain level to a level of zero. Drag the field vertically.
Vel slider: Set the sensitivity of amplitude envelope modulation in response to incoming velocity data.
If the Vel slider is set to zero, the envelope outputs its maximum level when you strike the keys at any velocity.
At a Vel slider value of 100%, the entire dynamic range is under velocity control.
To explain, raising the slider value reduces the envelope minimum amplitude, with the difference being dynamically controlled by keyboard velocity. For example, when you set the Vel slider to 25%, the minimum envelope amplitude is reduced to 75%. The remaining 25% is added in response to the velocities of keys you play. So, a key played with a zero velocity results in an envelope amplitude of 75%. A key played with a MIDI velocity value of 127 will result in an envelope amplitude of 100%. When you raise the Vel slider value, the minimum amplitude decreases even further.