Analysis In controls for EVOC 20 TrackOscillator in MainStage
The parameters of the Analysis In section determine how the input signal is analyzed and used by EVOC 20 TrackOscillator.

Analysis In parameters
Attack knob: Determine how quickly each envelope follower—coupled to each analysis filter band—reacts to rising signals.
Release knob: Determine how quickly each envelope follower—coupled to each analysis filter band—reacts to falling signals.
Freeze button: Hold the current analysis sound spectrum indefinitely. When Freeze is enabled, the analysis filter bank ignores the input source, and the Attack and Release knobs have no effect.
Bands field: Set the number of frequency bands analyzed and then used by the synthesis engine. Up to 20 bands can be used.
Analysis In pop-up menu: Choose the analysis signal source.
Track: Uses the input audio signal of the channel strip the EVOC 20 TrackOscillator is inserted into as the analysis signal.
SideCh(ain): Uses a side chain as the analysis signal. You choose the side chain source channel strip from the Side Chain pop-up menu in the upper-right corner of the plug-in window.
Note: If Side Chain is chosen and no Side Chain channel strip is assigned, the EVOC 20 TrackOscillator reverts to Track mode.