Use the Sampler Key Mapping Editor in MainStage
You can choose from three editor views in the Mapping pane: Key Mapping Editor, Group view, and Zone view. Click the buttons at the top right to switch between these edit panes. The menu bar at the top of the Mapping pane contains elements that are common to all editors. See Mapping pane menu bar.
The Key Mapping Editor provides you with a graphical, grid-like representation of zones, mapped across a keyboard. You can view one or more selected groups, and move and resize all zones horizontally and vertically. You can also use the parameter fields above and below the graphical display area to adjust a number of group and zone parameters. The group list at the left can be hidden or shown. See Graphically edit Sampler zones and groups.
Within each group mapping area (notes and velocities), zones can’t overlap. When you force an overlap by dragging zones one above the other within the same group, the Key Mapping Editor automatically cuts zones in order to make space for other zones. This allows you to add zones or delete mapped areas without having to edit all affected zones directly. You can protect either the selected or unselected zones when dragging zones.
Note: Changes to parameter values and graphical edits you make affect all selected zones. The Group and Zone parameters found in the Key Mapping Editor are a subset (duplicates) of the parameters found in the Zone view. A change to a parameter value in one editor view will be reflected in the other views.
Tip: The Key Mapping Editor works hand in hand with the Zone pane, which shows the selected zone waveform and associated parameters.

The Key Mapping Editor consists of three main areas. You can hide or view the group list by clicking the Group List Display button in the Group list controls.
Key Mapping Editor: Drag zones into the Key Mapping Editor to add them. Zones are represented by rectangles. Zone key range is indicated by the width. Zone velocity range is indicated by the height. Zone parameters are shown below the keyboard.
Keyboard: Drag zones onto the keyboard to add them to a key. Click a key to play the mapped zone. The root key of each zone is indicated in gold.
Group list controls: Use to choose a group, mute, solo, or hide and view the group list. Group parameters are shown above the Key Mapping Editor.
Group number: Click a group number to move focus to that specific group in the group list, when multiple groups are selected. The focus feature makes it easier for you to graphically edit complex mappings that contain multiple overlapping groups. New groups are automatically assigned a consecutive number. See Select groups or zones in the Key Mapping Editor.
Mute button: Turn on to silence the selected group. Turn off to make the selected group audible.
Solo button: Turn on to hear the selected group in isolation. Turn off to make all groups audible.
Group Name pop-up menu: Displays the group name. Click to choose a different group.
Group List Display button: Hide or view the group list. When hidden, the Key Mapping Editor is maximized. You can mute, solo, and choose a group from the Group Name pop-up menu, when the group list is hidden.
Key Mapping Editor group parameters
Group parameters are shown above the Key Mapping Editor. Drag vertically in parameter value fields to change them. For example, vertically drag the group Pan field value to change it. Alternatively, you can double-click in a field and enter a value, then press the Return key.
Group Mixer parameters: Globally adjust output settings for the selected group.
Volume: Use to set the overall level of the group—and, therefore, the volume of all zones in the group. This works much like a subgroup on a mixing console.
Pan: Use to set the pan position of the group—stereo balance for stereo samples—and the pan position of all assigned zones simultaneously.
Output pop-up menu: Choose the outputs used by the group: main outputs, paired channels, or individual outputs. This allows individual groups to be routed independently to aux channels in a multi-output Sampler instance.
Note: This has an impact on any individual zone output assignments.
Group Key Range fields: Use to define a key range for the selected group.
Use the left field to set the lowest note for the group.
Use the right field to set the highest note for the group. When you play notes outside this range, the zones assigned to this group are not triggered.
Note: Take care with these parameters because they override zone range settings, possibly making some zones inaudible.
Group Velocity Range fields: Use to define a velocity range for the selected group. Velocity Range is useful for sounds where you want to dynamically mix—or switch between—samples by playing your MIDI keyboard harder or softer. This feature is ideal for layered sounds, such as a piano/string layer, or when switching between different percussion samples.
Use the left field to set the lowest velocity that triggers the group.
Use the right field to set the highest velocity that triggers the group. When you play notes outside this range, the zones assigned to this group are not triggered.
Key Mapping Editor zone parameters
Zone parameters are shown below the keyboard. Drag vertically in parameter value fields to change them. For example, vertically drag the zone Tune field value to change it. Alternatively, you can double-click in a field and enter a value, then press the Return key.
Zone Name pop-up menu: Displays the current zone name. Select a different zone to display and edit its parameters.
Tip: You can also display and select a different zone in the Mapping pane Key Mapping Editor or Zone view by playing a note. To enable this behavior, turn on the Select from Last Played Keys > Groups and Zones menu option in the Mapping pane Edit menu. You can automatically preview a zone when you play a note by turning on the Preview Selected Zone option in the Zone menu.
Zone Pitch fields: Use to set the tuning of the selected zone.
Root Key: Use to set the root note of the zone—in other words, the note at which the sample is heard at its original pitch.
Tune: Drag vertically to tune the zone in semitone/cent increments.
Pitch button: Turn on to change the sample pitch when triggered by different keys. When disabled, the sample is always played at its original pitch, regardless of the note played.
Note: When the Pitch button is turned off, the value set with the Tune parameter is added to, or subtracted from, the original pitch.
Zone Mixer fields: Use these parameters to define output level and pan position of the selected zone.
Volume: Use to set the output level of the zone.
Pan: Use to set the pan position of the zone. This parameter works only when Sampler is used in stereo.
Zone Key Range fields: Use these parameters to define a key range for the zone. When you play notes outside this key range, the sample assigned to this zone is not triggered.
Use the left field to set the lowest note for the zone.
Use the right field to set the highest note for the zone.
Zone Velocity Range fields: Use to define a velocity range for the zone. When you play notes outside this velocity range, the sample assigned to this zone is not triggered.
Use the left field to set the lowest velocity that triggers the zone.
Use the right field to set the highest velocity that triggers the zone.