Overview of Euphonix knob sets in Logic Pro
When using the Euphonix devices with Logic Pro, the Mixer’s channel strip functions can be accessed and edited using knobsets. A knobset contains pages, each comprised of eight parameters. Knobsets are organized hierarchically.
The top-level knobset leads to the following knobsets:
Inserts: Press the Inserts knob top to display all effect plug-ins inserted in the currently selected channel strip. (See Use the Euphonix Inserts knobset in Logic Pro.) If a plug-in is enabled (and does not belong to the dynamic, EQ, or filter plug-in groups), either the On key is lit (MC Pro and MC Mix) or the knob’s image shows a small green LED on the lower left (MC Control). To switch the bypass state, press the respective On key or knob image, or the Ins In key on the CM408T channel strip.
Input: Press the Input knob top to display all possible channel input values for the selected channel strip. (See Use the Euphonix Input knobset in Logic Pro.)
Dyn: The Dyn knob top is not currently used to display a list, or allow editing, of dynamic plug-ins. If a dynamic plug-in is enabled, either the On key is lit (MC Pro and MC Mix) or the knob’s image shows a small green LED on the lower left (MC Control). To switch the bypass state, press the respective On key or knob image or the Dyn In key on the CM408T channel strip.
EQ: Press the EQ knob top to switch to EQ editing mode. (See Use the Euphonix EQ knobset in Logic Pro.) If an EQ plug-in is enabled, either the On key is lit (MC Pro and MC Mix) or the knob’s image shows a small green LED on the lower left (MC Control). To switch the bypass state, press the respective On key or knob image or the EQ In key on the CM408T channel strip.
Aux or Sends: Press the Aux or Sends knob top to switch to send editing mode. See Use the Euphonix Aux or Sends knobset in Logic Pro. If an Aux or Send is enabled, either the On key is lit (MC Pro and MC Mix) or the knob’s image shows a small green LED on the lower left (MC Control). Pressing the respective On key or knob image switches the bypass state.
Pan: Press the Pan knob top to switch to pan/surround editing mode. (See Use the Euphonix Pan/Surround knobset in Logic Pro.)
Group: Press the Group knob top to switch to group editing mode. (See Use the Euphonix Group knobset in Logic Pro.)
Mix or Output: Press the Mix or Output knob top to switch to output editing mode. (See Use the Mix or Output knobset in Logic Pro.)