View assignment materials in iTunes U for web
The assignment detail page displays materials you’ve attached to the current assignment. You can use the assignment detail page to view all the attached materials or edit the assignment to add, reorder, or delete materials.
If you want a specific material hidden from your students until you reach the associated section of your course (for example, an online quiz), add the material to your My Materials Library instead of the course Materials pane. Later, when you reach the section of your course and create the post and assignment, you can attach the relevant material from your My Materials Library, and iTunes U displays it in your student’s course Materials pane. Materials you add to a course Materials pane are immediately visible to your students, but materials you add to your My Materials Library are only visible to you until you attach the material to a specific course.
View all assignment materials
In iTunes U
for web, do one of the following for the course where you want to view assignment materials:
Click Posts > All Posts (self-paced courses), Recent Posts (in-session courses), All (in-session courses), topic, or Drafts, then click the post you want.
Click Posts >
Click the assignment with the materials you want to view.
The assignment detail page appears displaying all materials attached to the selected assignment.
Add, reorder, or delete assignment materials
In iTunes U
for web, click Edit in the assignment detail page for the assignment where you want to add, remove, or reorder materials.
Do one or more of the following:
Click “Attach another material”, choose the material you want to add, then click Save.
Hover the pointer over the material you want to move, drag
up or down, then click Save.
An insertion bar appears to indicate where you can drop the selection.
Hover the pointer over the material you want to remove, click
, the click Save.