Problems with course institution information in iTunes U for web
If you have trouble editing the institution associated with your course in iTunes U for web, keep the following in mind:
Only the course owner can edit the course institution.
After you choose Add to Public Catalog in the dashboard to submit your request to your institution’s iTunes U Public Site Manager administrator, you can no longer edit the institution associated with your course.
iTunes U only displays the Approved Institution icon (
) in the Institution pop-up menu for institutions with an existing iTunes U Public Site Manager site. If your institution does not have a public iTunes U site, visit https://www.apple.com/education/ipad/itunes-u/ to learn how to join.
To cancel the addition of a new, unofficial institution, click
that appears in the field after you choose Other from the Institution pop-up menu.
When an unofficial institution name is no longer associated with any courses and is not set as your institution in your instructor profile, iTunes U automatically removes the institution name from the Institution pop-up menu.
By default, iTunes U uses the institution you specify in your instructor profile when creating a new course. Most likely, if you are an affiliated instructor, the institution in your instructor profile is your affiliated institution. To create a course not associated with your institution, create a new unaffiliated institution or choose an institution name that does not display the Approved Institution icon in the Institution pop-up menu.
For a Managed Apple ID instructor, iTunes U uses the institution specified in Apple School Manager. You cannot edit the course institution associated with your Apple School Manager organization.