
Set your author name and color in Pages for iCloud
You can choose the color used for your comments and for the cursor that’s shown when you’re editing a shared document.
You can also change the name shown in comments.
You can choose the color used for your comments and for the cursor that’s shown when you’re editing a shared document.
You can also change the name shown in comments.
Go to Pages for iCloud, then open a document.
Click in the toolbar, then choose Preferences.
In the Author Settings section, click a color.
The color you choose is used for your comment bubbles, and for the editing cursor and dot beside your initials in the participant list in shared documents.
Colors used in any documents that are currently closed are not affected by the new color choice.
Click Done.
Go to Pages for iCloud, then open a document.
Click in the toolbar, then choose Preferences.
In the Author Settings section, type a name in the name field, then click Done.
The name doesn’t apply to documents that are shared with others. For shared documents, the name that appears in comments and in the participant list is the name you use with your Apple Account. To change the name (without changing your Apple Account), visit the Apple Account website. After you sign in, click Edit to the right of your account information, make your changes, then click Done.
If you stop sharing the document, the author name reverts to the name shown in Pages for iCloud preferences.
In shared documents where you’re not the owner, you can set the name in the participant list only if the document’s access is set to “Anyone with the link” and you’re not signed in to your Apple Account; in this case, the name you enter when you join the document appears in the list.
Important: If you change the name used with your Apple Account, the name appears in all apps and other locations where you’re signed in to your Apple Account.
Click Done.
New and existing comments are updated to reflect the new name.