
Organize documents in Pages for iCloud
In the document manager, you can organize documents into folders, view them by icon or sort them in a list, and get info on a document or folder (size, file type, and so on).
In the document manager, you can organize documents into folders, view them by icon or sort them in a list, and get info on a document or folder (size, file type, and so on).
In the document manager, click Browse in the left sidebar.
Click the New Folder button in the toolbar, type to name the folder, then press Return (on a Mac) or Enter (on a Windows device).
Select one or more items, then drag them to the folder.
Do any of the following:
Open or close a folder: To open a folder, double-click it. To close the current folder, click the Back button to the left of the current folder pop-up menu.
Rename a folder: Select the folder, click the More button that appears, then choose Rename. Type a new name, then press Return.
Move an item to a folder within the current folder: Drag the item to the folder.
Move an item outside the current folder: Drag the item to a different location at the bottom of the window.
Tip: You can also select the item, click the More button that appears, choose Move to Folder, then choose a new location.
Delete one or more items: Select an item, click the More button that appears, then choose Delete Selected.
Deleting a folder deletes all of its contents.
In the document manager toolbar, click the List or Grid
pop-up menu, then choose an option.
In the document manager, click Browse in the left sidebar.
Click the Sort by [Name] pop-up menu (below the toolbar, on the upper-right side of the window), then choose an option.
The pop-up menu changes to reflect the current sort choice (Date, Kind, Name, or Size).
You can get information on a document or folder, such as its file size, date last modified, and where it’s stored in iCloud Drive.
In the document manager, select an item, click the More button that appears, then choose Details.
Tip: If you simply want to better see the first page of a document before deciding to open it, click its More button , then choose Preview.