Insert clips in Final Cut Pro for iPad
You can insert a clip in the primary storyline so that all clips after the insertion point are moved forward (or rippled) to make room for the clip being added. No clips are removed from the timeline. An insert edit lengthens your video by the duration of the inserted clip.

You can use an insert edit when you want to add a new shot in the beginning or the middle of your video. You can also use an insert edit to interrupt the action in an existing clip with the action in the newly inserted clip. The action in the original clip then resumes after the inserted clip.
In Final Cut Pro for iPad, open a project.
in the toolbar, then select one or more clips or a range in the browser.
Move the playhead to the point in the primary storyline where you want to insert the clip.
Do one of the following:
in the Edit Mode control below the browser, tap Insert at Playhead, then tap Insert.
Press W on a connected or paired keyboard.
The clip appears in the timeline, and all clips after the insertion point are rippled forward (to the right). If you perform an insert edit in the middle of an existing timeline clip, that clip is cut at the insertion point, and the second half is moved to the end of the newly inserted clip, along with other clips to the right of the insertion point.
You can also drag clips to the timeline to insert them between other clips.