Alchemy LFO controls in MainStage
Modulation components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view.
The LFO module provides a standard Low Frequency Oscillator, such as you might find in any conventional synthesizer or sampler. There are one or two unusual features, however.
Note: The LFO module has no depth control. The modulation depth is adjusted using the Depth knob alongside the slot in the modulation rack.

LFO controls
Current LFO pop-up menu and field: Access each LFO control panel by selecting a number from the pop-up menu or with the Previous and Next arrows. Alchemy provides up to 16 LFOs—one by default, but more if you create them when assigning modulators.
File button: Open a pop-up menu with a number of LFO-related commands.
Preset submenu: Choose a preset LFO shape. This can be used as is, or as a starting point for your own shapes.
Save: Save the current LFO settings. A dialog opens in which you can name and save the file (*.lfo). The new LFO name appears at the bottom of the Preset submenu.
Copy/Paste: Use these commands to copy parameter settings between LFOs.
Clear: Initialize the LFO.
Trigger pop-up menu: Choose On to retrigger the LFO (start from zero) with each new played note. Off makes the LFO run freely (song start trigger). Voice On/FX Off modulates voice parameters only, not effects. Also see the Delay, Attack, and Phase knob descriptions.
Note: Settings from earlier application versions may not behave as expected, because of the additional trigger option. Change to VoiceOn/FX Off to match the former version behavior, then resave the setting.
Bipolar button: When on, the LFO outputs negative and positive values per cycle (-50% to 50%). When off, only positive values are output (0% to 100%).
Shape pop-up menu and field: Choose an LFO waveform from several categories. You can also step through the available waveforms with the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows). The chosen LFO shape is shown in the waveform window and is updated in the modulation rack. For example, “LFO 1 (Sin),” which indicates that LFO 1 is using a sine waveform, is shown in the modulation rack. See Alchemy modulation rack controls.
Basic: Common waveforms such as Ramp Up, Ramp Down, Sine, Square, and Triangle, along with two random choices. Random Glide is a constantly fluctuating random modulator that moves smoothly between random values at a speed set with the Rate control. Random Hold is a stepped random modulator that jumps between random values at a speed set with the Rate control, holding each value until the next jump occurs.
Complex: A variety of complex cycles, sweeps, and patterns can be used to create regular (and irregular) patterns for your LFO modulations.
Random Patterns: A variety of complex patterns that can be used to create random LFO modulations.
Serial-Angular: A variety of stepped shapes.
Serial-Smooth: Provides complex rising-and-falling patterns.
Ultra High Frequency: The ultra-high frequency category waveform shapes contain multiple copies of a pattern. The modulation speed is a multiple of the speed set with the Rate control.
Delay knob: Introduce a delay between the note-on message and the first cycle of the LFO when Trigger is on. When Trigger is off, Delay has no effect. The delay time is adjustable over a range of 0.00 seconds to 20.00 seconds, or is set in tempo-synchronized divisions when Sync is enabled.
Attack knob: Fade in the LFO output to increase modulation depth the longer a note is held (when Trigger is on). When Trigger is off, Attack has no effect. The attack time is adjustable over a range of 0.00 seconds to 20.00 seconds, or is set in tempo-synchronized divisions when Sync is enabled.
Phase knob: Adjust the start point of the LFO from zero to later in the cycle (when Trigger is on). The available range is 0.00% to 100.00%.
Rate knob: Set the LFO rate or frequency. When Sync is off, rate is adjustable from 0 Hz to 220 Hz. With Sync on, rate is set in beats and sub-beats.
Sync button: Turn on to synchronize the LFO Rate, Attack, and Decay controls with the project tempo. Turn off to freely set the LFO speed, attack and decay times.
Waveform window: Shows real-time changes to the LFO waveform.