Alchemy XY pads in MainStage
When simple view is active, or if the Perform button is on in the Perform/Arp/Effects section in other views, the performance XY pads controls subpage is displayed.
XY pads: Drag the handles to modulate two parameters simultaneously. The x- and y-axes of each XY pad can be named independently by clicking the fields above or below and typing a name. When a custom name is assigned, auto-assign does not update the name. Delete the performance control text to reenable auto-assigned names.
Control-click an XY pad to open a shortcut menu containing similar commands for both the x- and y-axis.

X/Y pad shortcut menu items
Delete Modulation X/Y: Shows a list of all targets receiving modulation from the x- or y-axis. Select an item in this list to delete the corresponding modulation assignment.
Swap X/Y With: Exchange modulation assignments between the x- or y-axis and any other performance control selected from a list.
Copy X/Y to All Snapshots: Updates all eight snapshots with the current value of the selected x- or y-axis, which replaces the stored value of that axis in each snapshot.
Auto Assign: Set a modulation target for the selected x- or y-axis and update the label.
Lock Control: Enable to prevent the Transform pad from affecting the assigned control. This is useful when you want to automate the assigned parameter independently of the Transform pad.