About post drafts in iTunes U for web
Use the draft feature within the posts panes to edit, revise, and save course posts before sending the posts as push notifications and making them visible to your students.
In addition, when you send a copy, duplicate, or transfer a course, iTunes U saves any draft posts from the original course to the Posts | Drafts pane for review and edit before sending the posts as push notifications and making them visible to students.
Create a draft
In iTunes U for web, click in the Posts pane.
Enter information about your post, including an outline topic, a title, a message, and an assignment.
Click Save Draft, then click Done.
iTunes U saves your post as a draft in the Posts | Drafts pane. Until you are ready to send the post as a push notification and make it visible to your students, you can continue to edit and revise the post after saving it as a draft.
While editing and customizing a course, keep the following in mind:
You cannot reorder posts or announcements in the Posts | Drafts pane.
Drafts in the Posts | Drafts pane are not visible to your students until you post them to the course.
When you send a copy, duplicate, or transfer an in-session course to a self-paced course, if you or the new course owner choose to keep announcements, iTunes U saves the announcements from the original course to the Posts | Drafts pane and you cannot save or post the announcements until you associate them with an outline topic in the new course.