Use automations in Home on iPod touch
In the Home app , you can run automations based on the time of day, your location, the activation of a sensor, or the action of an accessory. You can use preconfigured automations included with the Home app, or create automations of your own.
Use a preconfigured automation
Touch and hold an accessory, then swipe up or tap
Turn on an automation.
To disable an automation, return to the accessory’s setting screen, then turn it off.
Create an automation
in the Home, Rooms, or Automation tab.
Tap Add Automation, then choose one of the following automation triggers:
When arriving at or leaving a location: Tap People Arrive or People Leave. Choose when the automation is activated by people arriving or leaving, the location, and the time the automation works.
At a time of day: Tap A Time of Day Occurs, then choose when you want this automation to run.
If you choose Sunset or Sunrise, times vary as the season changes.
You can also set an automation to only occur after sunset, which is useful for turning on lights just when they’re needed.
When an accessory changes: Tap An Accessory is Controlled, select an accessory, tap Next, then follow the onscreen instructions.
You might use this, for example, to run a scene when you unlock the front door.
A sensor detects something: If you’ve added a sensor to Home, tap A Sensor Detects Something, select an accessory, tap Next, then follow the onscreen instructions.
You might use this, for example, to turn on lights in a stairway when motion is detected nearby.
To disable an automation, tap the Automation tab, tap the automation, then turn off Enable This Automation.
You can also touch and hold an accessory in the Home or Rooms tab, tap , then add, enable, or disable automations.
Add a Siri shortcut
To make your automation even more efficient, you can add a Siri Shortcut to it.
When choosing accessories to control with an automation, swipe up, then tap Convert To Shortcut.
, then choose a shortcut.
See the Shortcuts User Guide.