How to get help for MainStage
MainStage provides several ways for you to get answers to questions, learn about controls and functions while you’re working, and view detailed information about all aspects of the application. You can also view information directly in the application using the Quick Help feature.
In addition to being available from the MainStage Help menu, the full suite of help documents is available online in HTML and PDF formats.
Quick Help
You can view a brief description of windows, commands, controls, and other elements of the MainStage interface without leaving the application or interrupting your workflow.
To view Quick Help in the main window, do one of the following:
Click the Quick Help button
in the control bar.
Choose Help > Quick Help (or press Shift-Command-H).
MainStage Help
Describes the MainStage interface, commands, and menus and gives step-by-step instructions for creating MainStage concerts and for accomplishing specific tasks.
To view MainStage Help in MainStage, choose Help > MainStage Help.
To view the MainStage User Guide in other available formats, use the links at the bottom of the page, or search for MainStage User Guide online.
MainStage Instruments
Provides comprehensive instructions for using the powerful collection of instruments included with MainStage.
To view the MainStage Instruments Help in MainStage, choose Help > MainStage Instruments.
To view the MainStage Instruments guide in other available formats, use the links at the bottom of the page, or search for MainStage Instruments online.
MainStage Effects
Provides comprehensive instructions for using the powerful collection of effects included with MainStage.
To view MainStage Effects Help in MainStage, choose Help > MainStage Effects.
To view the MainStage Effects guide in other available formats, use the links at the bottom of the page, or search for MainStage Effects online.
View Smart Help on Logic Remote
You can use the Logic Remote app to view detailed Help information on your iPad while you work in MainStage, as well as control many aspects of MainStage. The Logic Remote app is available on the App Store, or you can download it directly from within MainStage by choosing MainStage > Download Logic Remote.
When you open Smart Help in Logic Remote, you can access Help information about the MainStage interface, commands, and menus, including step-by-step instructions for using MainStage on your Mac, while you are working, simply by placing the pointer over different parts of the interface.