Overview of selecting patches while performing in MainStage
In Perform mode, you can view and select patches using the patch selector screen control in your layout. If you are using a macOS device with a Touch Bar, you can also select patches and sets using the Previous Patch, Next Patch, and Set buttons on the Touch Bar. Patches and sets appear in the patch selector in the same order as in the Patch List in Edit mode. Skipped items do not appear in the patch selector and cannot be selected, but patches in collapsed sets do appear and can be selected. For information about skipping items, see Select patches and sets in the MainStage Patch List.
When you select a patch, you can start playing it instantly. If you sustain notes from the previous patch, they continue until you release the notes or the sustain pedal. If the previous patch contains effects (such as a reverb or delay effect) with a release “tail,” the effect tail continues sounding for the amount of time set in the Silence Previous Patch pop-up menu in MainStage > Settings > General. For more information, see General settings in MainStage.
When performing, keep in mind the difference between patch-level mapped parameters and those mapped at the concert level. When you select a patch, its mapped parameters are set to the values at which you last saved the patch (if On Patch Change is set to “Reset to saved value” in MainStage > Settings > General), or the values set the last time you played the patch (if On Patch Change is set to “Keep current value”). Parameters mapped at the concert level keep their current value when you select new patches, regardless of the On Patch Change setting.
Also keep in mind that when you select a patch, the screen controls for knobs, faders, and other controls in the workspace show the parameter values for the patch, which may be different than the positions of the physical controls on your controller. When you move the physical controls, the screen controls instantly update to show the current value.