Set up modulation routing for Sample Alchemy in MainStage
You can assign Sample Alchemy LFOs and envelopes as modulation sources or targets in the Mod Matrix pane. You can also assign Waveform Y and your keyboard modulation wheel, aftertouch, pitch bend, velocity, and MIDI continuous controllers as real-time control sources for Sample Alchemy target parameters in the Mod Matrix pane.
When a parameter is the target of one or more modulators, an orange modulation arc is shown beside the blue value arc for the knob. This indicates that the knob is an active modulation target and shows the modulation range.
Route the source handles to control volume
By default, the movement of the source handles (A/B/C/D) along the y-axis (vertcal axis) of the sample waveform is mapped to modulate the first parameter in the synthesis module. To map the source handles to control volume instead, follow these steps:
In the Source module in Logic Pro, click the Source pop-up menu and choose All to edit all sources.
Click the Mod Matrix button to show the Mod Matrix.
Click the first synth knob in the Synthesis module to select it.
In the Mod Matrix, click Waveform Y to open the Source pop-up menu, then choose None to remove the current mapping.
Click the Mixer button to open the mixer, then click slider A to select it as the modulation target in the Mod Matrix.
In the Mod Matrix, click the Source pop-menu and choose Waveform Y.
Adjust the Depth value in the Mod Matrix, and adjust the level of the mixer sliders to fine-tune your sound.