Mackie Control transport buttons in Logic Pro
The transport buttons provide standard control bar functions.
Transport buttons
REWIND button: Rewinds through your project. Press repeatedly while rewinding to accelerate the rewind speed. Press the FAST FWD button repeatedly while rewinding to slow down, stop, and eventually reverse the shuttle direction. Press the STOP button to halt the rewind process at the current playhead position. Rotating the jog/scrub wheel also exits rewind shuttle mode.
When one of the Marker modes is activated, pressing the REWIND button moves the playhead to the previous marker.
When one of the Nudge modes is activated, the REWIND button moves the selected regions or events backward by the value defined in Large Nudge mode.
FAST FWD button: Fast forwards through your project. Press FAST FWD repeatedly while fast forwarding to accelerate the shuttle speed. Press the REWIND button repeatedly while fast forwarding to slow down, stop, and eventually reverse the shuttle direction. Press the STOP button to halt the fast forward process. Rotating the jog/scrub wheel also exits forward shuttle mode.
When one of the Marker modes is active, pressing the FAST FWD button moves the playhead to the next marker.
When one of the Nudge modes is active, pressing the FAST FWD button moves the selected regions or events forward by the value defined in Large Nudge mode.
Tip: You can combine markers with cycle areas by pressing the respective buttons on the Mackie Control. This, in conjunction with navigation between markers (using the REWIND and FAST FWD buttons), moves the playhead, and automatically sets a cycle area between adjacent markers. Try this, and other options, with various button combinations.
STOP button: Stops project playback or recording and stops all other Transport functions. Press the STOP button a second time to return the playhead to the project start point or to the beginning of the nearest cycle area if Cycle mode is active. Press STOP repeatedly to switch between these two functions.
PLAY button: Starts playback from the current playhead position. Press PLAY repeatedly to jump to the beginning of the nearest cycle area if Cycle mode is active. Press SHIFT and PLAY simultaneously to pause playback.
RECORD button: Starts recording on the selected MIDI, audio, or software instrument channel strip if it is armed for recording.
Note: It is possible that the first time you arm an audio channel strip (by pressing the REC/RDY button for the channel), a Save dialog will appear on your computer screen. Enter a filename (and a save location) in the dialog, then press Save. The Mackie Control LCD display shows “There is a file select dialog on the screen.” The Position/Time display shows “ALERT.” All LEDs are unlit. Once you enter the filename (and press Save), all controls on the Mackie Control return to their previous state. After the default audio filename has been entered, you can select and arm any audio channel strip, then press the RECORD button. No alert messages and file save dialogs will appear onscreen.
Tip: To minimize the appearance of the dialog, save your project with Assets before you start recording. Saving your project this way bypasses the need to define filenames and makes handling faster and easier when using Logic Pro with the Mackie Control.
Just above the transport buttons are seven small, circular buttons for different recording and playback modes: Marker, Nudge, Cycle, Drop, Replace, Click, and Solo. You can use these buttons independently or in conjunction with one another, to navigate and edit your projects. Each button has a dedicated LED that indicates its current status.