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This section outlines the steps required to rename and rearrange the positions of drum sounds in a drum kit.
In MainStage, double-click the name of a sound to open a text entry field.
Enter the name and press Return, or click anywhere outside the text entry field, to complete the naming operation.
You can swap and copy drum sounds within an Ultrabeat kit by dragging or with a shortcut menu operation.
In MainStage, drag the sound name to the target position (do not click a button or menu).
The target is shaded as you drag across the list of sound names.
A standard drag operation swaps the two drum sounds (including Mixer settings: volume, pan, mute, solo, and output configuration). Sequences are not swapped.
Option-drag to copy the sound. Sequences are not copied.
In MainStage, Control-click the sound name.
Choose one of the following commands from the shortcut menu:
Copy (Voice & Seq): Copies the selected sound, including mixer settings and all sequences, to the Clipboard.
Paste Voice: Replaces the selected sound with the sound from the Clipboard but does not replace existing sequences.
Paste Sequence > (submenu): Enables you to replace all, or individual sequences, of the target drum sound. Sound parameters are not affected.
1 to 24: A single sequence replaces the currently active sequence (as set in the Pattern menu) of the target drum sound. This enables you to copy sequences into any of the 24 possible pattern locations.
All: Replaces all sequences. In situations where a sound only has several sequences (not all 24 are used), “Paste Sequence > all” places these sequences into the same positions; sequence 5 (in the Pattern menu) is pasted to position 5 in the target sound, for example. If a sequence exists at this location in the target sound, it is replaced. If no sequence exists at this location, the copied sequence is added to the target sound.
Swap with Clipboard: Exchanges and replaces the selected sound with the sound from the Clipboard.
Init > (submenu): Opens a submenu that contains a few starting-point (Init) sounds. Select one of these to replace the target drum sound. The Sample Init sound initializes the filter and pitch parameters to neutral settings, which are ideal as a starting point for programming sample-based drum sounds.
These commands affect only the selected drum sound. The sequence and sound data of the other 24 sounds are unaffected.
Note: The shortcut menu commands Paste and Swap with Clipboard require an initial Copy command—to place data in the Clipboard—before you can use them.
You can change the attributes of all voices with the following operations.
In MainStage, Command-drag the Volume of a voice to set this volume value for all voices.
Command-drag the Output of a voice to set this output assignment for all voices.