ChromaVerb details view controls in MainStage
The details view contains advanced parameters and shows the built-in six-band Output EQ.
The main view contains the main view controls and shows a Damping EQ overlay in the graphic display. Click the Main or Details buttons at the upper right to switch between views.

ChromaVerb details view parameters
Quality pop-up menu: Choose a quality level. Low produces a grainy reverb with noisy modulation. High sounds clean and precise. Ultra delivers a smooth, expensive-sounding reverb.
Mod Speed slider and field: Set the speed of the built in LFO.
Mod Depth slider and field: Set the depth of LFO modulation. The range is determined by the chosen room type.
Mod Source buttons: Choose a sine, random, or noise waveform for the LFO.
Smoothing slider and field: Change the shape of the LFO waveform. The random waveform is smoothed and the sine and noise waveforms are saturated.
Early/Late Mix slider and field: Set the level of early and late reflections. These vary depending on the Distance parameter value. See main view controls.
Width slider and field: Set the stereo width of the reverb.
Mono Maker on/off button: Turn on to remove stereo information below the frequency set with the corresponding slider.
Mono Maker slider and field: Set a frequency below which stereo information is removed. This compensates for perceived level losses in the overall low frequency range.