Use Via sources in the Sampler Mod Matrix in MainStage
You can set a fixed modulation intensity by horizontally dragging the Amount slider handle in a basic modulation routing—consisting of a Target and Source. The Amount slider value always defines a constant modulation intensity.
For further control, you can modulate the amount of modulation by using the Via pop-up menu to define a further modulation source that controls the modulation intensity.
If you choose a value other than None from the Via pop-up menu, the Amount slider displays two handles.
The left Amount slider handle (Min Amount) defines the minimum modulation intensity, when the assigned Via controller—the modulation wheel, for example—is set to its minimum value.
The right Amount slider handle (Max Amount) defines the maximum modulation intensity when the assigned Via controller is set to its maximum value.
The area between the two Amount slider handles defines the modulation range of the Via controller.
In the MainStage Sampler Mod Matrix pane, click the + button to create a new modulation routing.
Choose the target parameter you want to modulate from the Target pop-up menu.
Choose a modulation source from the Source pop-up menu.
Note: Sampler will automatically create a corresponding Envelope or LFO if it does not exist in the Modulators pane. For example, choosing LFO 3 from the Source or Target pop-up menu will create LFO 3 in the Modulators pane.
Choose the modulation source that you want to use for control of modulation intensity from the Via pop-up menu.
A second slider handle is created and is placed on top of the Amount slider handle.
Move the pointer to the right of the overlapped slider handles, then drag toward the right to set the maximum modulation intensity.
You will see the second Amount slider handle (Max Amount) and a range appear as you drag.
Drag the left Amount slider handle (Min Amount) to set the minimum modulation intensity.
In the MainStage Sampler Mod Matrix pane, horizontally drag the area between the Min and Max Amount slider handles (the range) in a modulation routing that contains an active Via source.
Both handles move simultaneously.
Tip: If the area between the handles is too small to grab, adjust the Amount and Via Amount slider value fields by the same number to move the area.
In the MainStage Sampler Mod Matrix pane, you can set the modulation amount to zero in the following ways.
When using a modulation routing with no active Via source in the Mod Matrix pane:
Double-click anywhere on the Amount slider.
When using a modulation routing with a Via source:
Double-click to the left of the Amount slider handle (Min Amount) to set the minimum modulation amount value to zero.
Double-click to the right of the second Amount slider handle (Max Amount) to set the maximum modulation amount value to zero.
In the MainStage Sampler Mod Matrix pane, click the Via Inv button to invert the effect of the Via modulation source.
A negative value becomes positive, and vice versa.