Create playlists on iPod touch
In the Music app , you can organize music into playlists that you can share with your friends.
Create playlists to organize your music
To create a new playlist, do any of the following:
Tap Library, tap Playlists, then tap New Playlist.
Touch and hold a song, album, or playlist; tap Add to a Playlist; then tap New Playlist.
On the Now Playing screen, tap
, tap Add to a Playlist, then tap New Playlist.
To more easily identify the playlist later, enter a name and description.
To give your playlist cover art, tap
, then take a photo or choose an image from your photo library.
To add music to the playlist, tap Add Music, then tap Listen Now, Browse, Library, or the search field.
Choose or search for music, then tap
to add it to the playlist.
Tip: If you want to add songs to your library when you add them to a playlist, go to Settings > Music, then turn on Add Playlist Songs.
Edit a playlist you created on iPod touch
Tap the playlist, tap , tap Edit, then do any of the following:
Add more songs: Tap Add Music, then choose music.
You can also touch and hold an item (song, album, playlist, or music video), tap Add to a Playlist, then choose a playlist.
Delete a song: Tap
, then tap Delete. Deleting a song from a playlist doesn’t delete it from your library.
Change the song order: Drag
next to a song.
Changes you make to your music library are updated across all your devices when Sync Library is turned on in Music settings. If you’re not an Apple Music subscriber, the changes appear in your music library the next time you sync with your computer.
Delete a playlist
Touch and hold the playlist, then tap Delete from Library.
You can also tap the playlist, tap , then tap Delete from Library.