Add music to iPod touch and listen offline
In the Music app , Apple Music subscribers can add and download songs and videos from Apple Music. You can stream music you add to iPod touch when you have an internet connection. To play music when you’re not connected to the internet, you must first download it.
Note: You can’t add and download music in the Apple Music Voice Plan. For more information, see the Apple Support article About Apple Music Voice.
Add music from Apple Music to your library
Do any of the following:
Touch and hold a song, album, playlist, or video, then tap Add to Library.
When viewing the contents of an album or playlist, tap
near the top of the screen to add the album or playlist, or tap
, then tap Add to Library to add individual songs.
On the Now Playing screen, tap
, then tap Add to Library.
To delete music from the library, touch and hold the song, album, playlist, or music video, then tap Delete from Library.
Music you add to iPod touch is also added to other devices if you’re signed in to the iTunes Store and App Store using the same Apple ID and have Sync Library turned on (go to Settings > Music, then turn on Sync Library).
Add music to a playlist
Touch and hold an album, playlist, song, or music video.
Tap Add to a Playlist, then choose a playlist.
Download music from Apple Music to your iPod touch
Download a song, album, or playlist: Touch and hold music you’ve added to your library, then tap Download.
After you’ve added a playlist or album, you can also tap
at the top of the screen.
Note: You must turn on Sync Library to download music from Apple Music to your library (go to Settings
> Music, then turn on Sync Library).
Always download music: Go to Settings > Music, then turn on Automatic Downloads.
Songs you add are automatically downloaded to iPod touch.
See download progress: On the Library screen, tap Downloaded Music, then tap Downloading.
Note: If the music you’re downloading is available in Dolby Atmos, the Dolby button appears next to the item, and you can download it either in Dolby Atmos or in stereo. To download music in Dolby Atmos when available, go to Settings
> Music, then turn on Download in Dolby Atmos. See Listen to Dolby Atmos music on iPod touch.
Manage storage space
Free up music storage: If iPod touch is low on storage space, you can automatically remove downloaded music that you haven’t played in a while. Go to Settings
> Music > Optimize Storage.
Remove music and videos stored on iPod touch: Touch and hold a song, album, playlist, music video, TV show, or movie that you’ve downloaded. Tap Remove, then tap Remove Downloads.
The item is removed from iPod touch, but not from iCloud Music Library.
Remove all songs or certain artists from iPod touch: Go to Settings > Music > Downloaded Music, tap Edit, then tap
next to All Songs or the artists whose music you want to delete.