Use photo albums in Photos on iPad
Use albums in the Photos app to view and organize your photos and videos. Tap the Albums tab to view your photos and videos organized into different categories and media types, like Videos, Portrait, and Slo-mo. You can also look at your photos arranged on a world map in the Places album, or browse your photos based on who’s in them in the People album.
The Recents album shows your entire photo collection in the order that you added them to your library and the Favorites album shows photos and videos that you marked as favorites.
If you use iCloud Photos, albums are stored in iCloud. They’re up to date and accessible on devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID. See Use iCloud Photos on iPad.

Create a new album
Swipe from the left edge of the screen or tap
to show the sidebar, then tap New Album below My Albums.
Name the album, then tap Save.
Tap the photos you want to add to the album, then tap Add.
To create a shared album, see Share photos with Shared Albums in iCloud.
Add a photo or video to an album
Open the photo or video in full screen, then tap
Tap Add to Album, then do either of the following:
Start a new album: Tap New Album, then give the album a name.
Add to an existing album: Tap an existing album under My Albums.
Add multiple photos and videos to an album
When viewing multiple thumbnails, tap Select at the top of the screen.
Tap the photo and video thumbnails you want to add, then tap
at the bottom of the screen.
Tap Add to Album, then do either of the following:
Start a new album: Tap New Album, then give the album a name.
Add to an existing album: Tap an existing album under My Albums.
Remove photos and videos from an album
Open the album, then tap the photo or video you want to remove to view it in full screen.
at the top of the screen, then choose one of the following:
Remove from Album: The photo is removed from that album, but remains in other albums and your library.
Delete from Library: The photo is removed from all albums and your library and moves to the Recently Deleted album.
To remove multiple photos or videos from an album, tap Select, tap the photo and video thumbnails you want to remove, then tap .