Use Smart Lists in Reminders on iPad
In the Reminders app , you can easily filter your items across lists using Smart Lists. You can create custom Smart Lists to automatically include items filtered by tags, dates, times, locations, flags, and priority. You can choose more than one tag (such as #gardening and #errands) and combine them with other filters.

Note: All Reminders features described in this guide are available when you use upgraded reminders. Some features aren’t available when using other accounts.
Automatically organize items using the default Smart Lists
You can view the following default Smart Lists:
Today: Items scheduled for today and overdue items.
Scheduled: Items scheduled by date or time.
Flagged: Items with a flag.
Completed: Items with a checkmark.
Assigned to Me: Items assigned to you in shared lists.
Siri Suggestions: Suggested items detected in Mail and Messages.
All: All items across all your lists.
To show, hide, or rearrange the default Smart Lists, tap , then tap Edit Lists.
Make a custom Smart List
Tap Add List, enter a name, choose a color and icon, then tap Make into Smart List.
Choose one or more filters, then choose to include items matching any or all of the selected filters. You can filter by tags, dates, locations, and more.
Convert a list to a Smart List
When you convert a list, its items are moved to the top level of the default list and tagged with the name of the Smart List.
Note: You can’t convert a shared list.
View the list you want to convert.
, tap Show List Info, scroll to the bottom, then tap Convert to Smart List.