Use Insights for a single location in Apple Business Connect
With Insights for locations, intuitive visualizations and downloadable reports help you gain a deeper understanding of how people find your brand’s location, and what they do once they find it. Insights data includes searches, views, and Actions associated with your location and brand in Maps.
Insights availability
Insights data isn’t available for up to 1 hour after you verify your location or the brand associated with it. After verification, data is available in both Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and a location’s local time zone. Insights data is aggregated by day, week (Sunday to Saturday), and month intervals. Spatial Insights are available only by month.
Note: Usage metrics below a reporting threshold are represented as zero (to protect the identity of individual customers). Low usage is more accurately reported using longer aggregation periods, whose totals are more likely to exceed this threshold.
See how customers found your location
The Search section provides you with modules to see how many times customers found you, and how they found you.
Search taps module: View the number of taps on your location in search results.
Search type module: See what customers searched for before tapping your location.
Name or brand search: A customer searched directly for a brand related to your location.
Category search: A customer searched for a product, service, or category related to your location.
Other: A customer searched for places like cities or addresses as well as unclassifiable searches.
Spatial Insights module: See where customers were located when they tapped your location in search results.
Heat map view: An interactive visual representation of search activity that allows you to change the zoom level and view the map in Standard, Hybrid, or Satellite mode.
List view: A tabular ranking of search activity for your location by zip code, displaying up to a maximum of 10 results.
Note: Results are excluded that represent less than 1% of taps or that fall below a privacy reporting threshold.
Similar Locations module: See how your brand location compares to similar brand locations for taps in search results. Criteria for similar locations include category, market segment, product and services, price point, and proximity.
Note: Module availability is dependent upon meeting a minimum reporting threshold.
See how customers interacted with your location
The Place Card section provides you with different ways to understand how people are interacting with your location’s Place Card.
Place Card views module: See the number of views of your location’s Place Card from customers tapping your location in search results or on the Map, and referrals from Apple or third-party apps.
Place card interactions module: See how many times customers completed the following types of Actions when viewing your listing (select on each Action type to see more).
Directions: A customer tapped to request directions to your location.
Website: A customer tapped on your website URL.
Call: A customer tapped on your phone number.
Share: A customer tapped on the Share button.
Photos: A customer tapped or swiped in the photo gallery.
Showcase: See how often a customer tapped on your location’s Showcase (if present).
Brand Actions: A customer tapped on a brand Action (if present). Examples of brand Actions include reserve, order, and view menu.
See Use Actions in your Showcase for more information on Actions.
Spatial Insights module: Top locations where customers were routed from when they requested directions.
Heat map view: An interactive visual representation of routing activity that allows you to change the zoom level and view the map in Standard, Hybrid, or Satellite mode.
List view: A tabular ranking of routing activity for your location by zip code, displaying up to a maximum of 10 results.
Similar Locations modules: See how your location’s Place Card compares to similar locations for photo gallery count, photo interactions, and Place Card views. Criteria for similar locations includes category, market segment, product and services, price point, and proximity.
Note: Module availability is dependent upon meeting a minimum reporting threshold.
View Insights for a single location
If you’re not already signed in to Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list
Select Locations
in the sidebar, then search for and select the location.
Select Insights, then do any of the following:
Select Search to see analytics on how customers are searching for you.
Select List on the heat map to view by zip code.
Select Place Card to see analytics based on taps from your Place Card.
Select the date range
to change the dates for your data, then select Save.
Select between local time zone and UTC (the default is local time zone).
Select Download
to download a comma-separated value (.csv) file.