Add a brand in Apple Business Connect
Adding a brand lets customers find it in Maps, Apple Wallet, Siri, and more. Before you begin, review Brand identity attributes.
Add a single brand to a single company
If you’re not already signed in to Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator or Developer.
Select Brands in the sidebar, select Add a Brand, select Single brand, then select Next.
Enter the brand name.
Select your country or region.
Select the primary category. For more information, see About categories.
Add the brand website.
Select whether this brand is owned or franchised, then select Next.
Decide whether to add your brand logo.
If you don’t want to add your brand logo, select Next. You can always add it later.
If you do want to add your brand logo, select Add, locate and add your logo. Use the Square and Circle buttons to preview how your image will be cropped on your Place Card in Maps and Apple Wallet. One crop is applied to both locations and your logo displays as a square in most Apple features. then select Add.
For logo guidelines, see Brand logo requirements.
Determine whether you’ve verified your company.
If you’ve already verified your company and are using a new brand or logo, you must have them approved by Apple. Select “Send for Review” to send your brand information to Apple for verification, then select Done.
If you haven’t verified your company, continue to the next step.
Add your government ID, select your verification type, then enter the value associated with that type. For more information, see Government ID types accepted.
Complete the task to verify your company.
Add multiple brands to your company
If you’re not already signed in to Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator or Developer.
Make a selection based on how many companies you administer.
If you have only one company, select Brands in the sidebar, select Add a Brand, select Single brand, then select Next.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list
, select Brands in the sidebar, select Add a Brand, select Multiple brands, then select Next.
Search for your brand.
Search for your brand or brands, select them from the list.
If you can’t locate them, select Add your brand
, then add it. You must add the brand name, select the country or region where the brand is located, primary category, and add the website.
If the brand in the list is managed by another company, you can ask to join the team. Select “ask to join the team,” enter an optional message, select Send, then select Done.
If the company was sold and you’re the rightful owner of the brand, continue to step 9.
Select whether this brand is owned or franchised, then select Next.
If this is a new brand, do one of the following:
If you don’t want to add your brand logo, select Next. You can always add it later.
If you do want to add your brand logo, select Add, locate and add your logo. Use the Square and Circle buttons to preview how your image will be cropped on your Place Card in Maps and Apple Wallet. One crop is applied to both locations and your logo displays as a square in most Apple features.
For logo guidelines, see Brand logo requirements.
Select Add.
Determine whether you’ve verified your company.
If you’ve already verified your company and are using a new brand or logo, you must have them approved by Apple. Select “Send for Review” to send your brand information to Apple for verification.
If you haven’t verified your company, continue to the next step.
Add your government ID, select your verification type, then enter the value associated with that type. For more information, see Government ID types accepted.
Complete the task to verify your company.