Add, edit, or remove a business in Apple Business Connect
You can add new businesses to your company in Apple Business Connect or update information about the ones you’ve already configured.
Note: It may take up to 3 business days for this information to appear in Maps and Apple Wallet.
To view a task below, select the plus button next to its title.
Add a new business to your Small Business account
You can add a new business to your Small Business account.
In Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
Select Businesses in the sidebar, select Add, then select Add Business.
Select next to name, then enter the following information:
The name of this business.
The logo and cover photo for this business.
Select Primary Category, begin typing the category for your business, then select an appropriate category.
If necessary, add an additional category for your business.
Note: Categories are updated regularly. Check back from time to time to see if new categories have been added that more accurately reflect your business.
The business website.
The App Store URL, if you can an app located in an Apple App Store.
Any existing locations for the new business.
Name of the country or region where your business is located.
Select Save.
To verify that your business was added, select Businesses in the sidebar, then locate the newly added business.
Add a new business to your Enterprise account
When you set up your first Enterprise account in Apple Business Connect, you may have searched for and added only one business or brand in a single country or region. If your business is located in multiple countries or regions, you must create a business per country or region. For example: Better Bags (US), Better Bags (CA), Better Bags (GB), and so on. When you create additional businesses or brands at the country level, make sure to select the corresponding country code from the list.
After all the businesses or brands are created and verified by Apple, you can then associate them with your company.
In Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list .
Select Businesses in the sidebar, select Add, then select Add Business.
Select next to name, then select the business or brand associated with your company.
Do one of the following:
Select Business or Brand, search for your brand or brands, select them from the list, then select Send for Review.
If you can’t locate your business or brand, select Add a New Business, then add your business or brand. You must add a business or brand name, country or region, main category, and website.
If the business or brand in the list is managed by another company, you can ask to join the team. Select “ask to join the team,” enter an optional message, select Send, then select Done.
Verify your company through one of the following methods:
Domain Validation: See Verify your domain.
Document Review: Upload documents such as a business license or utility bill that show this company’s business name and address.
Select “Next,” review your company details, added businesses, and verification information, then make any edits if necessary.
Select “Send for Review” to send your information to Apple for verification.
After all the businesses or brands are created and verified by Apple, you can then associate them with your company.
Edit info for a business
In Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list .
Do one of the following:
If you have just one location, select Info in the sidebar.
If you have more than one location, select the current location name in the upper left , then select another location.
If you have more than one business, select Businesses in the sidebar, select a business, then select the location you’d like to update from the list.
Search for a location, then select it from the list.
Select View Profile at the top of the page.
Edit any changed information, then select Save.
Remove a business
You can remove a business in Apple Business Connect. When you do, any locations associated with the business are removed. Before you can remove a business with at least one location, you must give 1 of 2 reasons why you’re removing this business:
Someone else manages this business: You no longer have the authority to make changes on behalf of the business and all of its locations.
This business is permanently closed: The business and all of its locations are removed from your Apple Business Connect account and marked permanently closed in Apple Maps.
If you want to remove a location from a business, see Remove a location.
Important: When you remove a business from Apple Business Connect, it also removes its logo, photos, and other assets from all of its locations.
In Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list .
If you have more than one business, select Businesses in the sidebar, then select the business you’d like to remove from the list.
Select View Profile at the top of the page.
Your business profile is shown.
Select Remove Business, then select a reason for removing the business.
Select Remove.