ES2 interface overview in MainStage
The ES2 graphical interface is divided into the following main areas.

Oscillator section: The oscillator parameters are shown in the upper-left area of the ES2 interface. The Triangle is used to set the mix relationships between the three oscillators. See ES2 oscillator parameters overview.
Global parameters: A number of related global parameters that directly influence the overall output of the ES2, such as Tune, are found to the left of the oscillators, and above the amplifier and filter parameters. See ES2 global parameters overview.
Filter section: The circular area houses the filter section, including the Drive and Filter FM parameters. See ES2 filter overview.
Amplifier parameters: The area at the top right contains the output parameters, where you can set the overall volume of the ES2, and add a sine signal at the output stage. See Use the ES2 dynamic stage.
Modulation router or Vector Envelope: The dark strip across the center of the ES2 interface is shared by the modulation router and the Vector Envelope. Use the buttons at the right end of this section to switch between the two.
The router links modulation sources, such as the envelopes and other parameters shown in the lower portion of the interface, to modulation targets, such as the oscillators and filters. See Use the ES2 modulation router.
The Vector Envelope is a flexible, powerful envelope generator that provides extensive control over your sound. See Use the ES2 Vector Envelope.
Modulation controls and parameters: The area immediately below the router is where you can assign and adjust the modulation generator parameters (such as LFO and envelope controls). See ES2 modulation overview.
Planar Pad: The square area at the top right is a two-dimensional controller known as the Planar Pad. The Planar Pad facilitates the simultaneous manipulation of two assignable parameters, and can be controlled with the mouse, another controller, or the Vector Envelope. See Use the ES2 Planar Pad.
Effect section: The built-in effect-processing options are found to the right of the output parameters. See ES2 integrated effects processor.
Macro and MIDI controller parameters: The area shown on the thin, gray strip at the bottom can display either Macro parameters or MIDI controller assignments. The preassigned macro sound parameters are perfect for quick tweaks to the sound (and that of ES2-based GarageBand instruments). You can reassign MIDI control numbers for these parameters. See ES2 macros and controllers overview.