Sample Alchemy Mod Matrix in MainStage
Sample Alchemy LFOs and envelopes are known as modulation generators. These modulation sources are used to control modulation targets, such as filter cutoff, source synthesis parameters, and source controls. You can assign up to four independent routings of modulation sources and targets in the Mod Matrix pane.
Sample Alchemy provides four LFOs and dedicated modulation and amplitude envelopes that can also be assigned as modulation sources or targets in the Mod Matrix pane.
Use the Mod Matrix to control how the sound changes as you move handles up and down the waveform using the Waveform Y modulator. Your keyboard modulation wheel, aftertouch, pitch bend, velocity, and MIDI continuous controller features can also be assigned as real-time control sources for Sample Alchemy parameters in the Mod Matrix pane.
When a parameter is the target of one or more modulators, an orange modulation arc is shown beside the blue value arc for the knob. This indicates that the knob is an active modulation target and shows the modulation range. The amount of depth you assign in the Mod Matrix pane determines how much a modulation source affects its target.
The Mod Matrix pane shows the modulators applied to the currently selected control in Sample Alchemy. This is shown via the Target field at the top of the Mod Matrix pane as well as by the dot that appears in the center of the currently selected knob.

Mod Matrix parameters
Mod Matrix button: Show or hide the Mod Matrix pane to assign up to four independent routings of modulation to a target.
Target pop-up menu: Displays the selected target. Select a target from the menu or click a parameter in the main Sample Alchemy interface to select it as new modulation target.
On/Off button: Turn the row of source modulation for the selected target on or off.
Source pop-up menu: Choose a modulation source.
Depth field: Drag vertically to set the maximum value or intensity of modulation. You can also double-click the field to enter a numerical value.