Sample Alchemy More menu in MainStage
The More menu at the upper right contains a number of global, sample, and MIDI handling options.
More button: Open or close the More menu to choose a number of global, sample, and MIDI handling options.
Global settings
Volume: Set the volume level of the preset.
Polyphony: Set the maximum polyphony of a preset (up to 16 voices). A value of 1 results in a monophonic preset or source.
Glide: Set the portamento rate. Glide causes slides from one note pitch to the next.
Play Mode: Determine how new notes are treated. This parameter interacts with the Polyphony and Glide controls.
Always: If the Polyphony value is 1, a trigger is generated at the start of each legato group, and portamento occurs at the start of every note. For all other Polyphony values, a trigger is generated at the start of every note, and portamento occurs at the start of every note.
Retrigger: A trigger is generated at the start of every note, and portamento occurs at the start of every note.
Legato: If the Polyphony value is 1, a trigger is generated at the start of each legato group, and portamento occurs at the start of each legato group. For all other Polyphony values, behavior is unchanged when you play single notes. When you play a chord, each note of the chord is triggered individually.
Pitch Bend: Set the maximum range for upward and downward pitch bend modulation, typically performed with your keyboard pitch bend wheel.
Output Limiter: Turn the output limiter on or off. The output limiter manages the maximum output level of Sample Alchemy, preventing distortion and clipping.
Sample settings
Preview Mode: Turn preview mode off or on (it’s on by default). In preview mode, a MIDI note is generated when you click a handle. When you turn off preview mode, there is no sound when you click the handles, and the preview MIDI note can't be recorded in Logic Pro.
Pitch Lock: Lock the pitch of the sample to the root key. If you import an audio file containing notes with various pitches, Pitch Lock allows you to lock them all to a single note. After this, you can play Sample Alchemy (for example, with a MIDI keyboard), and it will play the notes you hold down, not the differing pitches within the sample.
Reverse: Set the sample to play in reverse.
Root Key: Adjust the pitch of the sound in semitones.
Root Cents: Adjust the pitch of the sound in cents.
Tempo: Set the tempo (shown in beats per minute) of the sample, or choose None if the sample is not rhythmic.
Derive Tempo from Loop Length: Calculate a tempo for the audio file based on the length of the sample between trim handles.
MIDI settings
MIDI Mono Mode (MPE): You can choose the settings for MIDI Mono Mode:
MIDI Mono Mode: Choose Off, On (Common Base Channel 1), or On (Common Base Channel 16). In either mode, each voice receives on a different MIDI channel. Per-voice channels support pitch bend, aftertouch, modulation wheel, and controller assignment messages.
Pitch Bend Range: Set a value from 0 to 96. The chosen pitch bend range affects individual note pitch bend messages received on all but the Common Base Channel. The default is 48 semitones. When using a MIDI guitar, 24 semitones is the preferable setting because most guitar-to-MIDI converters use this range by default.
MIDI Assign: You can choose one of four different modulation sources from the MIDI submenu. Ctrl A/B/C/D can be assigned to modulation targets in the Mod Matrix pane. These are ideal for adding breath and foot controller modulations.
Ctrl A–D: Set the MIDI continuous controller that is assigned to Ctrl A–D.
Create Alchemy track
Create Alchemy track: Creates a new Alchemy track that contains the current Sample Alchemy audio material.