Beat Breaker Main Editor in Logic Pro for iPad
The Main Editor is the working area of Beat Breaker and where you can interact with its effects. On the far left, incoming audio enters the input buffer. In the center, the output waveform is visible, and slices represent where you can add effects to the audio. These slices are flexible; you can add, delete, and move them in relation to the Snap value using slice markers in the Slice Editor strip situated above the output waveform.
There are three types of effects, or edit modes: Time, Repeat, and Volume. You can select an effect using the Edit Mode buttons. When selected, each mode appears as a color: Time mode is orange, Repeat mode is magenta, and Volume mode is yellow.
When you select an edit mode and tap a slice, the parameters for the selected slice are visible at the top of the Main Editor. You can adjust a parameter level using a gesture or directly drag the parameter value sliders.
When you use gestures on the slices in Time mode, a mapping line indicates which instant in the input buffer will play back in the output pattern, allowing you to select how to “chop” your audio and change its speed. You can use Repeat mode to add up to eight repetitions of the selected slice to create stutter effects, the rhythmic repetition of small audio fragments. With Volume mode, you can change the volume over the duration of a slice to create swells and changes in dynamics.
Finally, you use the Pattern Slot menu to save and organize your patterns. See Work with pattern slots in Logic Pro for iPad.

Main Editor parameters
Edit Mode buttons: Tap to select one of the three edit modes. When an Edit Mode button is selected, you can edit its effect parameters in the Main Editor. See Edit modes.
Time button: Change the input position and speed of a slice. See Set the Input Beat parameter.
Repeat button: Change the number of repetitions for a slice to create stutter effects. See Set the Repeats parameter.
Volume button: Change the volume of a slice. See Set the Volume parameter.
Input buffer: During playback, the input buffer on the left side displays the incoming audio, and its playhead shows which part of the input buffer is currently playing.
Slice Editor strip: This area contains slice markers. Here you can add, move, and delete slice markers for the selected pattern. See Work with Beat Breaker slices.
Output Beat: Set the position of the selected slice marker. This defines the beat at which the input beat is played back. See Move a slice.
Global controls: A collection of controls such as Length, De-click, and Mix that you can use to fine-tune your pattern.
Length pop-up menu: Set the length of the current pattern in beats.
De-click value: Reduce clicks at locations where the playhead jumps by having a fast fade-out and fade-in. Decrease the value to hear more hard-hitting transients. Increase the value to remove audio clicks.
Bypass Below field: Set the frequency threshold below which the effect is bypassed. Frequencies below this threshold remain unaffected, while the effect is applied to frequencies above it.
Mix value: Control the balance between the original and processed audio signals. Set to 100% to hear only the processed signal.
More button: Tap the More button
to choose how quantized values are used when setting parameters on the Slice Editor strip.
Snap Output Beat: Set the snap value for the Output Beat parameter, allowing precise adjustment of parameters to quantized values when editing slices on the Main Editor.
Snap Input Beat: Set the snap value for the Input Beat parameter, allowing precise adjustment of parameters to quantized values when editing slices on the Main Editor.
Snap Speed: Set quantized values for the Speed parameter in the Main Editor, with Time for musical divisions, Pitch for semitone increments, and Off for no snapping.
Pattern buttons: Select a new preset pattern, or use Pattern Off to turn off all pattern effects. Each Pattern button contains settings for Time mode, Repeat mode, Volume mode, and Length. You can use Pattern buttons to quickly switch Beat Breaker settings while performing or a recording.
Pattern Off button: Turn off all pattern effects. You can use this button to hear audio from Beat Breaker without any processing.
Pattern Slot Edit button: Tap the Pattern Slot Edit button
to turn on Pattern Slot Edit mode. In this mode, you can use the Pattern pop-up menu to load, save, and rename patterns in each pattern slot. See Work with Beat Breaker patterns.
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