Explore other processing options in Sculpture in MainStage
From the pickups, the signal is sent to the processing section, which consists of the ADSR-equipped amplitude stage (just to the right of the circular Material Pad in the center), a Waveshaper with selectable types of waveshaping curves (above the circular Material Pad), and a multimode filter (below the Material Pad). All elements covered thus far exist on a per-voice basis.
All voice signals coming from the pickups are summed, and then they are processed by an integrated Delay effect (to the upper right of the circular Material Pad).
From there, the signal is sent to an EQ-like module (Body EQ, to the lower right of the Material Pad), which globally simulates the spectral shape or body response of your instrument. There are several body types to choose from.
The resulting signal is then fed to a Level/Limiter section (at the far right).
Tip: Feel free to experiment with all parameters—using the #default (or your vanilla) setting file each time. This will give you a general feel for each parameter and its impact on the sounds you hear.
All other parameters on the lower portions of the Sculpture interface (Modulation, Morph, Envelope, and Controller Assignments) are not part of the core synthesis engine, although they can affect it.