Sculpture morph overview in MainStage
Sculpture has a number of morphable parameters, indicated in the Sculpture interface by an orange value bar, rather than a blue or turquoise one. This makes it easy to identify, and edit, the values of these parameters.
All morphable parameters can be independently adjusted and stored with a morph point. In essence, the values of all morphable parameters are captured at a particular moment in time, much like a photograph. You can smoothly change the sound—in a subtle or radical way—by transitioning between up to five morph points.
The Morph Pad and Morph Envelope enable you to create, and precisely control, the movements and blending between morph points.

The Morph section consists of two parts:
Morph Pad: Use to display and edit, or draw, morph point paths. There are five morph points—the four corners and the center. A number of menu options are also available for randomizing, copying, and pasting morph points or Morph Pad states.
Morph Envelope: Use to display and edit morph points—either by segment (with a mouse or trackpad) or recorded MIDI controller movements. For example, you could use a vector stick (Morph X/Y controllers) or drag the morph ball (on the Morph Pad).
The current morph point position is indicated by the ball in the Morph Pad. This can be moved with MIDI controllers, such as a vector stick, or with the mouse. Such movements can be recorded and played back independently—with each voice being morphed in a different way.

During a morph, the red line in the Morph Envelope timeline shows the current time position, and the Morph Pad displays a moving dot that indicates the current morph position.
Note: The current morph position is only shown if one note is being played.