Alchemy effects overview in MainStage
Effect modules are shown only in browse or advanced view. Click the Browse or Advanced button to switch to either view, then click the Effect button in the Perform/Arp/Effects section.
The Alchemy Effects section houses a powerful multi-effects processor that provides five independent effects racks: Main, A, B, C, and D. Each rack allows you to insert chains of effects. The signal flows through inserted effects from the top to the bottom of each rack. You can achieve different sonic outcomes by changing the order of effects in each rack.
Individual sources (post source filters, if used) can be routed to the A/B/C/D racks. See Alchemy source master controls in MainStage and Alchemy source filters in MainStage.
The main filters can be independently routed to the Main/A/B/C/D racks. See Alchemy main filter controls in MainStage.
Output from the Effects section is mixed with the dry output signal from the main or source filter modules before being sent to the Alchemy main outputs.

For each effect loaded in each effects rack, there is a corresponding control panel shown in the area to the right. The top-to-bottom order of the selected rack is shown from left-to-right in the control panel area. Drag the gray scroll bar to view effects units or parameters that are not visible in the control panel area.
Effect control panels display a variable combination of buttons, knobs, displays, menus, and fields that are specific to the effect. Many effect control panels also include a File button that opens a pop-up menu with Load, Save, Copy, Paste, and Clear commands. These menu commands apply to the settings of the individual effect.
Note: The Clear command available in plug-in control panel menus restores default settings for the effect. It does not bypass the effect or remove it from the effects rack.
See the linked sections for information on individual effect parameters.
Alchemy Effects rack parameters
Main/A/B/C/D rack buttons: Use Main to view and set global effects settings for the overall instrument sound. Use A/B/C/D to set independent effect chains routed from each source or the main filters. It is possible to route both the main filter outputs and individual source outputs into the same effects rack.
Effect on/off buttons: Bypass or enable each effect slot in the selected effects rack.
Effect slots: Load an effect type from the pop-up menu. None removes an effect. Drag an effect name to move it to another slot.
A further effects slot is automatically created when an effect is inserted.
When you an insert an effect in a slot that already contains an effect, the existing effect is replaced.
Choose None from the pop-up menu to remove an effect. The slot is bypassed and is not removed.
When you drag the name of an inserted effect to a different slot to move it; preceding or following effects are moved up or down the list surrounding the target slot to preserve the order of the effects chain.
File pop-up menu: Open a pop-up menu with several commands you can use for the selected effects rack (Main, A, B, C, or D). Commands do not apply to all racks simultaneously.
The Load, Save, Copy, and Paste commands apply to the entire contents of the selected effects rack and to the settings of each loaded effect.
The Clear command removes all loaded effects in the selected effects rack.
The Randomize command randomizes the settings of all currently loaded effects in the selected effects rack.
Scroll bar: Drag vertically to view effects rack slots that are not currently visible. The scroll bar is shown only when the number of assigned slots exceeds the effects rack display area.