Add a watch folder in Compressor
In the Watch Folders area of Compressor, do one of the following:
Click Add in the top right-corner.
Click the Add Watch Folder button in the middle of the pane.
Note: This button appears only if there are no watch folders.
Select a folder in the dialog, and click Add.
In the Built-in Presets window, choose one or more transcode presets.
Click the Location pop-up menu, then choose a location for your watch folder’s output folder (where the processed files will be saved). You can choose one of the following:
Automatic: Processed files are saved to a specially created folder named “[Watch folder name]-Output” on the same directory level as the watch folder.
Desktop: Processed files are saved to the Desktop folder.
Movies: Processed files are saved to the Movies folder.
Other: You can choose another location.
WARNING: A watch folder’s output folder cannot be inside, or the same folder as, a watch folder. If you choose a location inside a watch folder, or a watch folder itself, a red warning icon appears to the right of the watch folder name, and you can’t activate the watch folder.
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