Map MainStage screen controls to actions
In addition to mapping screen controls to channel strip and plug-in parameters, you can map them to MainStage actions. Actions let you select patches and sets; silence MIDI notes; control the Tuner and the metronome; tap a new tempo; display information about patches, MIDI messages, and other information; and perform other functions.
For a complete table of actions, including descriptions and usage notes, see Overview of actions in MainStage.
The Actions folder, which appears in the Parameter Mapping browser along with available parameters, contains actions for selecting patches and sets, showing the Tuner, activating tap tempo, Master Mute, Panic, and other functions. The Actions folder also contains an AppleScript subfolder with useful scripts.
You can map button screen controls to actions for selecting different patches and use physical buttons on your MIDI device to select patches when you perform. You can also map buttons to actions for selecting different sets or selecting the concert. For information about assigning buttons, see Button assignments in MainStage.
Map a screen control to an action
In the MainStage workspace, click the screen control you want to map.
The Screen Control Inspector appears below the workspace, showing the settings for the selected screen control. If the screen control is currently mapped, a tab with the name of the mapping is visible in addition to the General and Mapping tabs. If the control is unmapped, the tab is labeled “Unmapped.”
Click the Unmapped (or name of mapping) tab.
The Parameter Mapping browser appears below the workspace. The Actions folder is available in the Parameter Mapping browser.
In the column on the left of the Parameter Mapping browser, click the Actions folder.
The available actions appear in the second column of the browser.
Select the action you want to map.
Note: If you map a knob screen control to an action to select a patch (such as the −10 Patches, Previous Patch, Next Patch, or +10 Patches action), the screen control jumps to the value of the hardware control, regardless of the setting of the Respond to Hardware Move parameter in the Screen Control Inspector.