Legacy Single-Band EQs in MainStage
The single-band EQs are used for different types of equalization tasks.
High Cut or Low Cut: High Cut attenuates the frequency range above the selected frequency. Low Cut attenuates the frequency range that falls below the selected frequency.
High Pass or Low Pass Filter: High Pass Filter affects the frequency range below the set frequency. Higher frequencies pass through the filter. You can use High Pass Filter to eliminate the bass below a selectable frequency. Low Pass Filter affects the frequency range above the selected frequency.
High Shelf or Low Shelf EQ: Low shelving EQ affects only the frequency range that falls below the selected frequency. High shelving EQ affects only the frequency range above the selected frequency.
Parametric EQ: Parametric EQ is a simple filter with a variable center frequency. It can be used to boost or cut any frequency band in the audio spectrum, either with a wide frequency range or as a notch filter with a very narrow range. A symmetrical frequency range on either side of the center frequency is boosted or cut.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in MainStage, see Add and remove plug-ins in MainStage.
High Cut and Low Cut parameters
Frequency slider and field: Drag to set the cutoff frequency.
High Pass and Low Pass parameters
Frequency slider and field: Drag to set the cutoff frequency.
Order slider and field: Drag to set the filter order. The more orders used, the stronger the filtering effect.
Smoothing slider and field: Drag to adjust the amount of smoothing, in milliseconds.
High and Low Shelving EQ parameters
Gain slider and field: Drag to set the amount of cut or boost.
Frequency slider and field: Drag to set the cutoff frequency.
Parametric EQ parameters
Gain slider and field: Drag to set the amount of cut or boost.
Frequency slider and field: Drag to set the cutoff frequency.
Q-Factor slider and field: Drag to set the Q (bandwidth).